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the last days. This is why Mormon’s record (The Book of Mormon), a book written to warn latter-day Israel, is patterned after Isaiah's writings.

And I cannot engrave even one percent of the history of my people, the Nephites.

Because these small plates are so choice to me, I am putting them with my plates before continuing my engraving.

I know the record of these small plates will also be choice to my brethren, the Lamanites, in the last days.

I am putting the small plates with mine because the Lord's Spirit tells me to. I don't know exactly why, for I don't know the future, but it must be for a wise purpose known to the Lord, who works His will through me.

My prayer to God is for my brethren, the Lamanites, to once again know God, to know of Christ's redemption, and to again become a delightful people.

Now I, Mormon, continue to engrave my record as I refer to Nephi's large plates. I do this according to the knowledge and understanding God has given me.

When King Benjamin received Nephi's small plates from Amaleki, he put them with Nephi's large plates that had been handed down by the kings from generation to generation.

All these plates have been handed down by King Benjamin, from generation to generation until I, Mormon, received them. I pray to God they will always be preserved, and I know they will be, for great things are written on them.

On the great and last day, my people the Nephites, and our brethren the Lamanites, will be judged