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King Benjamin teaches his sons...
(compare Mosiah, chapter 1)

This peace among all the people in the land of Zarahemla lasted for the rest of King Benjamin's days. He had three sons, Mosiah, Helorum and Helaman, and taught them the writing language of their forefathers --modified Egyptian.

He did this so they would become men of understanding, knowing the prophecies the Lord had given their forefathers (engraved on Nephi's plates).

Benjamin also taught his sons concerning the records engraved on the brass plates, saying,

"My sons, I want you to remember that if it were not for these plates which contain records and commandments, we would now be in ignorance, not knowing the mysteries of God. It would have been impossible for our forefather, Lehi, to have remembered all these things, and to have taught them to his children without these plates.

Lehi had been taught in the Egyptian language. This is why he could read the brass plates and teach them to his children. They in turn taught their children Egyptian, fulfilling God's commandments, even down to this present time.

My sons, if it were not for these brass plates that have been preserved by the hand of God, our forefathers would have faltered