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His arm to save our forefathers, they would have fallen victim to the Lamanites, who hated them."

After King Benjamin said this to his son, he put him in charge of the kingdom.

He also gave Mosiah the brass plates, Nephi's plates, Laban’s sword and the Liahona--the ball with spindles, made by the Lord, which had led Lehi and his people through the wilderness when they diligently obeyed the Lord.

When anyone in Lehi's group had been unfaithful, the whole group did not progress in their journey. They were driven back and suffered hunger and pain. They felt God's displeasure in order to remind them of their duty to Him.

Mosiah did as he was asked and made a proclamation to all the people in the land of Zarahemla to go up to the temple to hear his father speak.

King Benjamin speaks to his people...
(compare Mosiah, chapter 2)

The next day all the people went up to the temple to hear King Benjamin.

The Nephites had become very numerous, even too numerous to count. They brought the firstborn of their flocks as sacrifices and burnt offerings according to the law of Moses. They gave thanks to the Lord their God, who had brought their forefathers out of Jerusalem and delivered them from their enemies.

They were also grateful for the just men who had been appointed to be their teachers, and for Benjamin, a just man, who had been appointed as their king. These just men had established peace in the land of Zarahemla and had taught the people to keep God's