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Bethabara, beyond Jordan.

After he baptizes the Messiah he will bear record that he has baptized the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world."

My father prophesied to Laman and Lemuel, "The Messiah will preach His gospel to the Jews, who will not believe Him. Then they will kill the Messiah, but He will rise from the dead. And the Gentiles will come to know Him through the Holy Ghost.

Note: The Gentiles never hear the Lord's voice directly (3 Ne 15:23).

The house of Israel is like an olive tree, whose branches are broken off and scattered over the earth. Our journey to the promised land is the fulfilling of the Lord's word, spoken by Isaiah, that the house of Israel will be scattered.

Note: To know the complete past and future of the House of Israel, as compared to an olive tree, read Jacob 5.

In the last days, after the Gentiles receive the fullness of the Gospel, the house of Israel, or natural branches, will be grafted back into their mother tree. In other words, the house of Israel will come to the knowledge of their true Messiah, their Lord and Redeemer.”