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"Look!" said the Angel.

I looked, and saw the heavens open once again. Angels came down to the people and spoke to them. I saw the Lamb of God going among them, healing their sick and casting out evil spirits.

And then I looked and saw the Lamb of God--the Son of the everlasting God, taken by the people and judged by the world. I saw him lifted upon a cross and slain for the sins of the world.

After He was slain, I saw the multitudes of the earth gather together to fight against the gospel of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

This multitude was gathered in the large, spacious building that my father had seen.

The angel said, "Look at the world and its wisdom. Even the house of Israel has gathered together to fight against the gospel of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

And then I understood that the large, spacious building represented the pride of the world. It fell with a great crash, after which the angel said, "This is how all nations, kindreds, tongues and people that fight against the gospel of the twelve apostles of the Lamb of God will be destroyed."