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While the angel was saying these things, I watched as my brothers' descendants overpowered mine, for my descendants had been tempted by the devil and had become proud and vain.

I saw my descendants completely destroyed, for only my brothers' descendants remained upon the promised land.

Then I saw many generations of my brothers’ descendants pass away, fighting battles among themselves.

And the angel said, "These remaining people will falter in unbelief." I saw that they had become a dark, loathsome and filthy people, full of idleness and all kinds of sinful traditions.

Nephi’s vision of Europeans in America...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 13)

Again the angel said, "Look!"

I looked and saw many nations and kingdoms.

He then asked me, "What do you see?" I told him what I saw, and he told me these were the Gentile nations and kingdoms. Then I saw a great church formed by the Gentile nations.

The angel said, "See the most abominable church of all the churches, which captures, tortures and kills God's saints.”

I saw that the devil was the founder of this great, abominable church. I saw gold, silver, fine silk, fine linen and all types of expensive clothing, and I saw many prostitutes.

The angel said, "All these things that you see are what the great, abominable church desires. Its members capture and destroy God's saints for the praise of the world."

Then I saw a great ocean (Atlantic), which divided the Gentiles from my brothers’ descendants. The angel said, "You will see that God's anger is upon your brothers’ people."