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In the last days, the rest of our descendants will know they are members of the house of Israel -- the Lord's covenant people. They will learn of their forefathers, and of their Redeemer's gospel, which He gave to their forefathers.

They will also know how to come to their Redeemer and be saved.

In the last days, they will rejoice and give praise to their everlasting God -- their rock and salvation. They will receive strength and nourishment from the natural tree again —- the true vine, and come into God's true fold.

The Lord will remember them again as members of the house of Israel, and graft them back into their mother tree as natural branches.

Our father means that after the natural branches are scattered by the Gentiles, they will be grafted back in, or in other words, receive the gospel, also by the Gentiles.

The Lord will show His power and give His gospel to the Gentiles because the Jews, or the house of Israel, will have rejected the Lord.

Our father not only spoke of our descendants, but also of the descendants of all the house of Israel, bringing to our attention the covenant that will be fulfilled in the last days, which the Lord made to father Abraham saying,