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The Liahona, made by God, appears ...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 16)

Then my brothers said, "Nephi, your words are so harsh we cannot bear them."

I replied, "I know my words are harsh against the wicked. I have justified the righteous and have testified that they will be lifted up at the last day.

Guilty people take the truth to be hard on them, for it cuts them to the very center of their souls. If you were righteous -- willing to listen to the truth and obey God's commandments, you wouldn't feel I was speaking harshly to you."

After I diligently urged my brothers to keep the commandments they humbled themselves before the Lord, and I was joyful. I had great hope that they would walk the path of righteousness.

All these things were said and done as my father lived in his tent in the valley he had named Lemuel.

Of Ishmael's five daughters, I married one, each of my three older brothers married one, and Zoram married the eldest.

Up to this time, my father had fulfilled all the commandments the Lord had given him, and I, too had been very blessed by the Lord.

One night the Lord's voice came to my father telling him to continue his journey in the wilderness.