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When my brothers realized what I was doing, they said I was a fool to think that I could build a ship good enough to cross the great ocean. They would not help me because they did not believe that I could build a ship, or that the Lord had told me to build it.

I became very sorrowful because of their hard hearts and stubbornness. When they saw this, they became glad and said,

"We knew that you couldn't build a ship. We knew you over-estimated your abilities. You can't do such a great work. You are just like our father, who is led away by the foolish imaginations of his heart. He has led us to wander for these many years in the wilderness.

Our wives have suffered by bearing children in the wilderness. They have suffered everything but death and would have been better off dying in Jerusalem rather than suffering so much out here.

For these many years we have suffered in the wilderness when we could have been happily enjoying our possessions in the land of our inheritance.

We know the people of Jerusalem are righteous, for they keep all the Lord's statutes, judgments and commandments according to the law of Moses. But our father has judged them and has led us away because he knew we would follow him. And you, Nephi, are just like him!"

I replied, "Do you believe our forefathers would have been led out of the hands of the Egyptians if they had not listened to the words of the Lord? Do you believe they would have been led out of their bondage if the Lord had not commanded Moses to lead them out?