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The Lord esteems all people equally, yet He favors the righteous. Those who were driven off the land were ripe in wickedness, and the fullness of His anger was upon them.

The Lord cursed the land against them to their destruction, and blessed the land for our forefathers so that they could obtain power over it, for the Lord created the earth to be inhabited, and He created His children to possess the earth in righteousness.

He raises up a righteous nation and destroys the wicked ones. He leads the righteous into precious lands, and He destroys the wicked, cursing the land for their sakes.

He rules high in the heavens, for it is His throne, and the earth His footstool.

He loves to bless those who accept Him as their God. He blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, by making covenants with them, and He remembered those covenants by bringing their descendants out of Egypt.

The Lord purified the children of Jacob (Israel) because they were stubborn and hard in their hearts, as you are.

He sent fiery flying snakes among them. After they had been bitten, He prepared a way for them to be healed by simply looking at the brass snake held up by Moses. Because the way to be healed was so simple, many would