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You are quick to do wrong, but slow to remember the Lord your God.

You've seen an angel who spoke to you, and you've heard the Lord's voice from time to time. He spoke to you with a soft, gentle voice, but you had become too hardened to feel His words. This is why the Lord has spoken to you with a voice of thunder, causing the earth to quake as if it would split open.

You know that by the power of His almighty word, He can cause the earth to pass away, the mountains to become valleys, and the valleys to become mountains.

Knowing all this, why are you still so hard in your hearts?

My soul is full of anguish because of you, and my heart is pained, for I am afraid that you will be cast from God's presence forever.

Look at me. I am so full of the Spirit of God that it consumes my strength!"

After I said all this, Laman and Lemuel were angry with me, and seeing my weakness, they were about to take me and throw me into the sea. As they were about to take hold of me I said,

"In the name of the Almighty God, do not touch me, for I am filled with the power of God, even unto the consuming of my flesh. Whoever touches me will wither as a dried reed in the sun, and be nothing before God, who will smite him!"

Then I told them to stop complaining and plotting against my father and me, and to no longer refuse to help me build the ship.

I said, "If God commanded me to do anything, I could do it. If He commanded me to say to this water, ‘Be thou earth,’ it would