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and honor your father and mother so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God will give you."

Laman and Lemuel humbled, yet rebel again...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 18)

My brothers worshipped the Lord and helped me build the ship. We worked the timber in a strange manner, for the Lord showed me from time to time how to fashion the timbers of the ship. It was not made like the ships of man’s design, for we built it according to the Lord's design, which He showed me.

I often went up to the mountain to pray to the Lord, and He showed me great things.

When we finished the ship, my brothers saw that it was good--the workmanship very fine, and again they humbled themselves before the Lord.

Then one night, the Lord's voice came to my father, Lehi, telling him that we should board the ship.

In the morning we gathered the large supplies of meat, fruit, honey, seeds and provisions that the Lord told us to gather, and we boarded the ship.

In her old age, my mother had borne two sons in the wilderness. The first was named Jacob, the second Joseph.