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"I've noticed that you're a serious-minded child, quick to observe and learn. So remember what you now observe among this people.

When you're about 24 years old, go to Shim Hill in the land of Antum. In that hill, I have deposited all the Nephite records unto the Lord. Only take Nephi's plates and leave the rest alone. Then engrave everything you have observed about this people onto those plates.”

I remembered what Ammaron told me to do. I, Mormon, am a descendant of Nephi. My father's name was also Mormon. When I was 11 years old, my father took me south to Zarahemla. The whole land had become covered with buildings, and the people were almost as numerous as the sands of the sea.

A war broke out between the Nephites (which included Jacobites, Josephites and Zoramites) and the Lamanites (which included Lemuelites and Ishmaelites). The war was fought near the Sidon waters in the land of Zarahemla.

The Nephite army, with more than 30,000 men, beat the Lamanites in many battles that year, killing many of them.

After the Lamanites retreated, there was peace for about four years.

So much wickedness prevailed throughout the whole land that the Lord took away His beloved disciples, along with their healing and miracles. From then on, there were no gifts from the Lord, for the Holy Ghost did not come upon anyone because of wickedness and unbelief.

When I was 15, because I was a serious young man, the Lord visited me, and I tasted and knew of Jesus’ goodness. But when I attempted to preach to my people, my mouth was shut. I was