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manure over the land. I had witnessed all this by the end of 344 AD.

In 345 AD the Nephites were chased by the Lamanites to the land of Jashon, near Antum--the land where Ammaron had deposited the records unto the Lord.

About 11 years earlier (at age 24), I had gone to Shim Hill, taken out Nephi's plates, and engraved on them according to Ammaron’s instructions. On Nephi's plates, I made a complete account of all the Nephites' wickedness and sins that I had seen in my youth.

But on these, my own plates, I haven't made a full record of their wickedness, for I've seen nothing but wickedness ever since I've been old enough to understand the ways of men.

My life has been cursed, and my heart has been filled with sorrow because of their wickedness. Yet I know I will be resurrected at the last day.

During 345 AD we, the Nephites, were again hunted and driven north to the land of Shem. We fortified the city of Shem and gathered as many people as possible, hoping to save ourselves from destruction.

In 346 AD the Lamanites came upon us again. Using great energy, I urged my people to stand boldly before them and fight for their wives, children and homes. My words aroused them. enough to keep them from running away from the Lamanites, and they stood boldly against them.

Our army of 30,000 fought the Lamanite army of 50,000 so firmly that they ran from us. We chased them, met them again, and beat them. But the Lord's strength was not with us, for His Spirit was