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what I saw and heard--things shown to me by the Spirit, which had testified of things to come.

This is why I now write to you, the Gentiles, and also to the house of Israel. When the work of the Father begins, you, the members of the house of Israel, will be preparing to return to the lands of your inheritance.

I write to the people of the earth, who will be judged by the twelve apostles whom Jesus chose in Jerusalem.

I also write to the descendants of this people (the Lamanites), who will be judged by the twelve disciples whom Jesus chose in this land. And those disciples will be judged by the twelve apostles of Jerusalem. The Spirit shows these things to me.

I write to all, so you will know you must stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. Every soul who belongs to the family of Adam and Eve must stand to be judged by his or her own works, whether they be good or evil.

I write to help you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ that will be among you (the LDS Church).

I write so the Jews, the covenant people of the Lord, will have another witness (The Book of Mormon), besides Him whom they saw and heard, that Jesus, whom they killed, is the very Christ and God.

I wish I could persuade all people of the earth to repent and prepare to stand before His judgment-seat.

Mormon witnesses evil, leads army...
(compare Mormon, chapter 4)

In 363 AD the Nephite armies went out of the city of Desolation to battle the Lamanites but were driven back. While still weary,