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My young brothers, Jacob and Joseph, needed much nourishment, but they suffered because of their mother's afflictions.

Even the tears and prayers of my wife and children did not soften my brothers’ hearts, that they would untie me.

Nothing but God's power, threatening them with destruction, could soften their hearts. Only after they realized they were about to die at sea did they repent and untie me.

Finally freed, I held the compass and it began to work again. And as the storm raged on, I prayed to the Lord, and at last the tempest stopped and the waves became calm. Then I steered the ship as we sailed toward the promised land.

After sailing for many days, we joyfully arrived at the promised land and gave great thanks to God.

We went upon the land and pitched our tents. We plowed the land and planted the seeds we had brought from Jerusalem. The seeds grew very well, and we were blessed with abundant crops.

As we explored this promised land, we discovered many types of animals in the forests. We found cows, oxen, donkeys, horses, goats and all kinds of wild animals useful to us. We also found many types of ore, including gold, silver and copper.

Nephi makes more plates, quotes from brass plates...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 19)

Soon after arriving in the promised land, the Lord commanded me to make large plates. Upon those plates, I transcribed my father's record of our journey in the wilderness, of his prophecies, and many of my prophecies.