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"Oh you fair ones, how could have you departed from the Lord's ways, rejecting Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!

If only you had not rejected Him, then you would not have fallen. But you have fallen, and I mourn your loss. Oh you fair sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, how could you have fallen! But you are gone and my sorrow cannot bring you back.

Soon the day will come when your mortal bodies will be made immortal. Then you will stand before the judgment-seat of Christ to be judged according to your works. If you are somehow found righteous, you will be blessed with your forefathers.

Oh that you had repented before this great destruction came upon you. But you are gone, and knowing your condition, the Eternal Father of heaven will deal with you according to His justice and mercy."

A message to latter-day Lamanites...
(compare Mormon, chapter 7)

Now I write to the descendants of this people who are spared (the latter-day Lamanites), if God will give them my words, that they