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you will obey my commands, I will lead you there.
And if your older brothers keep rebelling against you, they will be cut off from my presence and I will not be with them. If you obey my commands, you will become their ruler and teacher.
If Laman and Lemuel rebel against me, I will curse them and their descendants, and they will not have power over yours. But if your descendants also rebel against me, they will not have my protection, and your brothers' descendants will be a trial for yours, reminding them to look to me in righteousness for protection."

Nephi is told to get the brass plates...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 3)

After the Lord had told me these things, I returned to my father's tent, where he told me, "In a dream, the Lord commanded me to tell you and your brothers to go back to Jerusalem, where Laban, keeper of the holy records, has the writings of Moses and other prophets, and the genealogy of my forefathers engraved on brass plates.

The Lord commanded me to tell you to go to Laban's house where he keeps these brass plates, to ask Laban for them, and to bring them to me in this valley.

When I told your brothers to do this they complained, saying what I was asking of them was too hard. I told them it wasn't my commandment, but the Lord's. You must go, Nephi. Lead your brothers, and the Lord will favor you because you have not complained."

I answered my father, "I will go and do what the Lord commanded, for I know He doesn't give us commandments without preparing a way for us to obey them."