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Jared's brother went and climbed a high mountain named Shelem and smelted sixteen small white stones from a rock (two stones for each of the eight barges), which were transparent, like glass.

Then he carried the stones to the top of the mountain, and prayed,

"Oh Lord, Thou said we would be surrounded by water. Now, oh Lord, do not be angry with me because of my weakness before Thee. We know Thou art holy and live in the heavens. We are unworthy before Thee because of our fallen natures, and we do evil continually.

But Thou, oh Lord, has given us a commandment to call upon Thee, saying we would receive from Thee according to our desires.

Oh Lord, Thou has stricken us because of our iniquity and driven us in this wilderness for several years. But Thou has been merciful to us.

Oh Lord, look upon me in pity, and turn away thy anger from this, thy people, and do not allow them to cross this raging deep in darkness. Look at these stones I smelted out of the rock.

I know, oh Lord, that Thou has all power, and can do whatever Thou will for the benefit of man. So touch these stones, oh Lord, with thy finger, and make them shine in the barges as we cross the sea.

Oh Lord, Thou can do this. We know Thou can show great power by things that look small according to our understanding."

After Jared's brother said this, the Lord revealed His hand and touched the