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70 A.D. - Jerusalem sacked, 1,100,000 killed, 97,000 captured by Romans
1095 to 1189 - attacked In Holy Land, rioted against In England
1182 - expelled from France:
1420 - expelled from Vienna
1481 - 30,000 bumed at the stake during Spanish Inquisition
1490 - expelled from Geneva, Switzerland
1492 - 150,000 expelled from Spain
1493 - expelled from Sicily
1497 - expelled from Austria
1498 - expelled from Lithuania
16th, 17th, 18th centuries, expelled from England and France
1939 to 1945 - 6 million killed by Hitler's regimes

Zenos continues, "However, when the day comes that the Jews no longer turn their hearts away from the Holy One of Israel, He will remember the covenants that He made to their forefathers. He will remember all the people who are of the house of Israel and gather them together from all over the earth. Then all the people of the earth in every nation will see the salvation of the Lord and be blessed.”

And I, Nephi, write these things to persuade my people to always remember their Lord and Redeemer. I write these things to all the house of Israel, that my record might come to them as well.