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After all their people had gathered, Jared and his brother counted them and asked them what they desired of them before they died. The people wanted them to anoint one of their sons to be a king over them.

This was grievous to Jared's brother, who replied, "Surely this will lead to captivity."

But Jared said to his brother, "Allow them to have a king."

So Jared's brother said to the people, "Choose a king from among our sons.”

The people chose Pagag, the firstborn of Jared's brother, but he refused to be their king.

The people wanted Jared's brother to force his son to be their king, but he would not. He commanded them to force no man to be their king.

One by one, each of Pagag's brothers also refused to be king. Then Jared's sons also refused, except for Orihah, and he was anointed king over the people. He began to reign and the people began to prosper and become very rich.

Soon Jared died, as did his brother. Orihah walked humbly before the Lord, teaching his people about the great things the Lord had done for his father and forefathers.

Chorihor rebels...
(compare Ether, chapter 7)

King Orihah executed righteous judgment in the land throughout his very long life. He had eight daughters and twenty-three sons. In addition to these sons, Kib was born when Orihah was old. Kib reigned in place of his father, and had a son, Corihor.