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So Akish administered them to his family and friends, leading them away by promising them great rewards for their assistance. They formed a secret combination, as the ancient ones had, which is the most serious form of wickedness in God's sight.

The Lord does not work in secret combinations, nor does He want His children to kill one another. He has forbidden these things from the beginning.

Now I, Moroni, will not write the details of their oaths and combinations, for it has been made known to me that all people have them, including the Lamanites. These secret combinations caused the destruction of these ancient people, the Jaredites. They have also caused the destruction of all my people, the Nephites.
Any nation that builds up and upholds these secret combinations in order to get power and gain, spreading them all over the nation, will be destroyed.
The Lord will not allow His saints, who will be murdered by members of these combinations, to continue to cry to Him without avenging them.
This is why this record of destruction will be shown to you Gentiles, to give you the chance to repent, that you may not allow these murderous combinations to get above you.
If you do build up and support these secret combinations, then the work of destruction will come upon you as the Eternal God's sword of justice falls upon you, causing your overthrow.
Note: Compare this, Moroni's warning to us, with a warning from the prophet Ezra Taft Benson to LDS Church members, "If we don't quit building up and supporting secret combinations, the situation will