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the time may come when Satan may have no more power over people's hearts--that they may be persuaded to do good continually and come to the fountain of all righteousness and be saved.

The struggle with the ancient plans...
(compare Ether, chapter 9)

Now I, Moroni, will continue my record:

Because Akish, his friends and family secretly combined in their vain ambitions, they overthrew Omer's kingdom. But the Lord showed His mercy to Omer, and to those members of his family who were loyal, by warning him in a dream to get out of the land.

Omer took his family and traveled for many days. They passed by Shim Hill and by the place where my people (the Nephites) were destroyed (Cumorah Hill). Then they traveled east, and camped by the seashore in a place called Ablom.

Meanwhile, Jared was anointed king over the people by the hand of wickedness, and gave Akish his daughter for a wife.

Then Akish wanted to kill Jared, his father-in-law. He employed those who had vowed to him with the oath of the ancients, and they obtained Jared's head as he sat on his throne listening to his people.

This wicked, secret society had corrupted all the people. This is why they were able to murder Jared in public and put Akish in power.

Then Akish became jealous of his son and put him in prison, where he starved to death.

Akish had another son named Nimrah, who was angry with his father for killing his brother. Nimrah gathered a small group of