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Shez built up many cities and the people began to spread out over all the land again. Shez lived to a very old age and had Riplakish, who reigned after he died.

Riplakish sinned in the Lord's sight by having many wives and mistresses. He also placed heavy taxes on his people in order to build many spacious buildings. He had a very beautiful throne, and he ordered many prisons to be built.

Those who refused to pay his taxes, or could not pay them, were put into these prisons. Those in prison were made to work constantly, and anyone who refused to work was put to death. He had all his fine things and fine gold made by those in prison. The whole kingdom was afflicted by his immorality.

After reigning this way for forty-two years, the people rebelled against him, bringing war into the land once again. During this war, Riplakish was killed and his descendants were driven out of the land.

After many years, Morianton, a descendant of Riplakish, gathered an army of outcasts and fought the people, gaining power over many cities. This war became very sore and lasted for many years. Eventually Morianton gained complete power and made himself king over all the land.

After this, Morianton gained the favor of the people by easing their burdens, and they anointed him king. Morianton did justice to the people, but not to himself because of his adultery, which cut him off from the Lord's presence.

He built up many cities and the people became very rich under his reign, having many buildings, plenty of gold and silver, and an abundance of grain, flocks and herds.