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Nephi writes Isaiah's words from the brass plates...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 20)

The Lord's words, first spoken to Isaiah:

Listen, oh house of Jacob (Israel), who are baptized, and who make oaths in the name of the Lord and speak of God, yet do it not in truth nor in righteousness. You call yourselves holy, but you do not put the God of Israel first in your lives, whose name is The Lord of Hosts.

From the beginning, I have told you, through prophets, things that have happened. I have spoken and revealed them suddenly. I did this because I knew how obstinate and stubborn you are as a people. I prophesied to you of things that I would do before they happened, fearing that unless I did this, you would say, "Our idols and graven images have caused them to happen.”

Having seen and heard their fulfillment, will you now declare them to others? Will you also declare that I have shown you new, previously hidden things? They are things revealed now, but not before. Otherwise, you would say, "We already knew about them (without a prophet)." You did not hear or know of