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A choice land is promised...
(compare Ether, chapter 13)

And now I, Moroni, finish my record about the destruction of the people of whom I have been writing.

The people rejected all of Ether's words, who truly told them of all things from the beginning of mankind.

Ether said that after the flood this land became a land more choice than any other, and that the Lord would have all who live here serve Him.

He said that this land is the place of the Lord's holy sanctuary, and of the New Jerusalem which will come down from heaven.

Ether saw the days when Christ would come, and he spoke about a New Jerusalem in this land.

He also spoke about the house of Israel, and the old Jerusalem, from where Lehi would come. Ether said that after Jerusalem would be destroyed, it would be built up again for the house of Israel and become a holy city of the Lord.

He said that the New Jerusalem will be built in this land for part of Joseph's descendants, as a symbol of the past.

For as Joseph brought his father to the land of Egypt, saving him and his brothers from starvation, the Lord brought part of Joseph's descendants (Lehi, Ishmael and Mulek) out of Jerusalem, saving them from destruction.

Joseph's descendants (through Ephraim and Manasseh) will build a holy city to the Lord in this land, like the Jerusalem of old. This will be the land of their inheritance, and they will no longer be oppressed.