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heaven, and your righteousness would have forever flowed to you as the waves of the sea.
Your descendants would have been as many as the sands upon the seashore, and their names would not have been cut off from before me.'

Now I (Isaiah) say, give up your worldliness and flee your conspiring enemies. With a voice of singing, declare to the ends of the earth that the Lord has redeemed all the house of Israel! For the Lord led the children of Israel out of bondage through the desert and caused water to flow out of the rock. Even though the Lord has done all this, and even greater things to save His children, the Lord says,

‘There is no peace for the wicked.”

Nephi reads Isaiah's words from brass plates...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 21)

“Listen to me, oh house of Israel, all of you who are broken off and driven out because of my people's wicked pastors. Listen, all of you who are scattered abroad, who are of the house of Israel upon all continents, for the Lord called me before I was born, mentioning my name before my birth. The Lord has made my words strong, but as I was growing up, He refined me in obscurity.
He said to me,

‘You are my servant of Israel, in whom I will be glorified.’

Then I replied, ‘But I have worked for nothing, laboring in vain, for only the Lord judges me, and only my God knows my works."