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were written down so they would be remembered and taught God's good word.

This teaching helped them do right, to be continually watchful by praying, and to rely only upon the merits of Christ--the author and finisher of their faith.

The church met together often to fast and pray, and to speak with one another about the welfare of their souls. They also took the bread and wine in remembrance of the Lord Jesus. They were strict' in seeing that there was no sinfulness among them.

If anyone was found committing sin, three witnesses of the church testified against him before the elders. And if he did not repent and confess his sins, then his name was removed from the record of Christ's people. But if he did repent and desired forgiveness with real intent, then he was forgiven.

Their meetings were conducted by the church according to the workings of the Spirit. For when the Holy Ghost's power led them to preach, or to pray, or to sing, that is what they did.

Moroni writes Mormon’s words of faith, hope, charity...
(compare Moroni, chapter 7)

Now I, Moroni, will write a few of the words my father Mormon spoke about faith, hope, and charity. This is what he taught our people in their synagogue:

I, Mormon, speak to you, my beloved brothers and sisters. I am allowed to speak to you now because of the grace of God