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Mormon's emphatic words against infant baptism...
(compare Moroni, chapter 8)

This is a letter my father Mormon wrote to me, Moroni, soon after I was called to the ministry:

My beloved son, Moroni,

I rejoice greatly because your Lord Jesus Christ has remembered you and called you to His ministry and holy work.

I always remember you as I pray to God the Father in the name of His Holy Child, Jesus Christ. I pray He will protect you through His infinite goodness and grace because of your constant faith in His name throughout your life.

I'm very sorry the people you're teaching argue over the issue of infant baptism.

Now my son, I want you to work hard to stop this great error of baptizing little children. This is why I'm writing this letter.

Just as soon as I read your letter, I asked the Lord about it. His word came through the Holy Ghost, saying,}}

"Listen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. I did not come into the world to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners. The healthy do not need a doctor, but those who are sick.
Children are completely alive in Christ, not able to sin. Through me the curse of Adam is taken and has