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You may know that He lives by the power of the Holy Ghost.

I urge you to not deny God's power, for He works by power according to the faith of His children, just as He always will.

Again, I urge you, my brothers and sisters (the latter-day Lamanites), to not deny God's gifts, for they are many. They all come from the same God who gives them to His children through His Spirit to profit them.

Gifts From Christ:
1. One may be given wisdom by God's Spirit, so he may teach wisdom.
2. Another given knowledge by the same Spirit, so he may teach knowledge.
3. By God's Spirit, some are given very great faith.
4. To others, gifts of healing are given.
5. Another may be given the gift to work mighty miracles.
6. To yet another, God's Spirit gives the gift to prophesy of all things.
7. Others are given the gift of seeing angels and spirits, sent to teach them.
8. Some are given the gift of speaking all types of languages.
9. Others are given the gift of interpreting languages.