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down to his kingdom to reign over you.

These are my last words to you, my sons. I have chosen the good part according to the words of the prophet, and my only desire is the everlasting welfare of your souls. Amen.

Lehi speaks to his son Joseph...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 3)

My youngest son, Joseph, born in the wilderness during our greatest sorrow. May the Lord consecrate this choice land as an inheritance for you, your brothers and your descendants, that it may be for your security forever as you keep the commandments of the Holy One of Israel.

The Lord will bless you forever, Joseph, because He will not allow your descendants to be completely destroyed.

My son, I'm a descendant of Joseph of old, who was sold into Egypt, with whom the Lord made great covenants.

Joseph of old truly saw our day. The Lord promised him that through his descendants He would raise up a righteous branch of the house of Israel -- not the Messiah, but a branch that would be broken off and carried across the ocean.

The Lord promised Joseph of old that in the last days, in the spirit of power, the Messiah would be made known to this broken-off branch