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...confound false doctrines
...end disputes
...establish peace among your descendants
...and bring them knowledge of the covenants
I made with their forefathers.

From the choice seer's weakness, I will make him strong in the day when my work begins among all my people. A work that will gather in and restore the house of your father, Israel."

Then Joseph of old prophesied, "The Lord will bless that seer, and anyone who seeks to destroy his work will be frustrated, for I'm sure the Lord's promises about the great things he'll do will be fulfilled.

This seer will bear my name, Joseph.
His father will also be named Joseph.

This seer will be like me, for the things the Lord will bring through him will bring salvation to my people.

I'm just as sure that the latter-day Joseph will accomplish his work as I am that Moses will accomplish his, for the Lord promised to preserve my descendants forever."