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He is renowned for his Wisdom, for, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him. He is renowned for his Power, for, he is not only The wisdom of God, but the power of God: He is The Man of God’s right hand, even the son of man, when he hath made strong for him, self. “He is renowned for his veracity and fidelity, for. faithfulness is the girdle of his reins, and righteousness the girdle or his loins. Have you got a word from him depend upon it, it is a such word, does not fail, the word of the Lord endures for ever, when heaven and earth shall pass away. He is renowned fer his Righteousness, for he has brought in an everlasting righteousness, whereby the law is magnified and made honourable, and by the imputation of which, the guilty transgressors are acquitted.

He was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. This is his name, The Lord our righteeusness, He is renowned for his fulness, for all the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily in him. He is full of grace and truth, full of all created and uncreated excellencies——He is renowned for his Love. What but love brought him out of the bosom of the Father to this lower world? What but love made him lay down his life for his peopie?——He is renowned for his liberality. He has a full hand and free heart, as we use to say. He gives without money; and he invites all to come and share of his fulness.——He is renowned for his constancy. He is Jesus, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. The