Page:Plant of renown (1).pdf/23

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Then high in heav’n’s resplendent arch
He plac’d two orbs of light,
He set the sun to rule the day,
the moon to rule the night.

Next, from the deep th’ Almighty King,
Did vital beings frame;
Fowls of the air of every wing,
And fish of every name.
To all the various bruial tribes,
He gave their wondrous Birth;
At once the lion and the worm
Sprung from the teeming earth.

Then, chief o'er all his works below,
At last was Adam made;
His Makers image bless'd his soul,
And glory crown'd his head.
Fair in th‘ Almighty Maker's eye,
The whole creation stood.
He viewed the fabrick he had rais'd
His word pronounced it good.

Naked as from the earth we came,
And entor'd life at first;
Naked we to the earth return,
And mix with kindred dust.
Whate er we fondly call our own,
Belongs to heav ns great Lord;
The blessings lent us for a day
Are soon to be restored.