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made the Righteousness of God in him: That was his Name, The Lord or Righteousness.

8. He is renowned for his fulness.———For, And the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily in him: He is full of grace and truth; full of all created and uncreated excellencies.

9. He is renowned for his Love———What but love brought him out of the bosom of the Father to this lower world? What but love made him lay down his life for his people?

10. He is renowned for his Liberality. He has a full hand and a free heart, as we use to say: he gives without money, and he invites all to come and share of his fulness.

11. He is renowned for his Constancy. He is "Jesus Christ, the same to-day, yesterday and forever." The best of men, will fail us when we trust them; they will run like splinters into our hands when we lean upon them: But, sirs, you will find Christ always the same, to-day, yesterday and forever. And then,

12. He is renowned for his Authority and Dominion. It is great, and extends far and wide whether in heaven above, or in the earth beneath And his dominion reaches from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth: And all the kings of the earth are but his vassals Thus, I say, Christ in every respect is renowned But here, to keep by the phraseology of the text He is a renowned Plant: Wherein is he renowned

First, I say he is renowned for his Antiquity "I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was," &c.: All the plants in the higher and lower gardens of God, they are but just upstarts in comparison of him: Angels and Arch-angels, and the greatest seraphims are