Page:Plant of renown (3).pdf/12

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3. We have the way how this Plant of Renown is raised; And I will raise him up. I that am the great Husbandman of the vineyard, I will raise up for them, &c. Then,

4. I noticed the persons to whom the promise is made, I will raise up for them; that is, for his Church, for his people that are brought into a very low condition; as you will see by reading the preceding part of the chapter. The flock of Christ were scattered by the shepherds of Israel; they were torn, they were devoured, and under manifold trials; Well, what will the Lord do for his flock in that condition? He says, I will raise up for them a Plant of Renown, and they shall hunger no more.

The observation is much the same with the words themselves, namely, "that our Lord Jesus Christ is a Plant of Renown of his Father's upbringing:" I will raise up for them a Plant of Renown. In prosecution of this doctrine, I proposed to observe the order and method following.

First, To premise a few things concerning this blessed Plant.

Secondly, To shew that indeed he is a Plant of Renown. And then,

Thirdly, To speak a little concerning the raising up of this Plant.

Fourthly, For whom he is raised up.

Fifthly, For what good, or for what benefit and I advantage he is raised up: And,

Lastly, To apply the whole.

As to the first, I spoke to it, and premised a few things concerning this blessed Plant; therefore I shall not stay to resume what was said on that Head. I likewise entered upon the second, and shewed that. Christ is A Plant of Renown in several respects: I mentioned eleven or twelve particulars