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and I are fading plants: " All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the "field:" He is a Tree ever green, he never fades, summer nor winter, and shall be ever a green Plant to the Saints as it were to eternity! When millions of ages, yea, myriads of ages are past in heaven, he will be as fresh and green to the believer, as when he first saw him, or the first moment the saint entered glory: therefore it is, that the songs of the redeemed in glory are always new; and throughout eternity, will be new, because they will constantly see matter of a new song; and the more they see, they will wonder the more at him throughout eternity! Again,

4. This Plant is renowned not only for his verdure, but for his virtue. Wo read, Rev. xxii. "That the leaves of the Treo of Life were for the healing of the nations." That Tree of Life is the very same with this Plant of Renown; the leaves of this Plant are for the healing of the nations: and we that are ministers are come this day to scatter the leaves of this Tree of Life, of this Plant of Renown; try if you can get a leaf of it applied and set home upon your souls. Depend upon it, here is virtue in every word of his. Sirs, mingle faith with a word, and you will find that it will have the same efficacy with you as it had with the poor woman with the bloody issue, that was healed with a touch of the hem of his garment, who had spent all her living on doctors. O see if you can find him! I assure you he is hero; he is behind the door of every man's heart: "Behold I stand (says he,) at the door and knock! If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me." And O let him in there is virtue in him