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delight;" the shadow of the Plant of Renown. You are all sitting there or standing, but are you sitting under the Plant of Renown? Jonah's gourd did him service against the scorching heat of the sun, that was like to take away his life; but alas! that soon failed him, for God sent a worm and smote it that it withered; and the worm of death will soon smite and wither you and me: O get in under the shadow of this Plant of Renown, and ye are secured against death and vindictive wrath for ever. Get in under his shadow: the shadow of his intercession,———the shadow of his power.———the shadow of his providence,--the shadow of his faithfulness: O sit under his shadow, and you will find shelter here against all deadly: whatever blasts come, you will find safety there. Would you be shadowed from the king of terrors? Death is a terror to many, O if you be shadowed against the awful terrors of death and God's vengeance, get in under this shadow, and you are safe.

8. This Plant is renowned for his stature. He is a high Plant, he is a tall Plant: you see the heavens above you, but they are but creeping things in comparison of him; for this glorious Plant is, The high and lofty One that inhabits eternity. You can never see his height; your eye will look high, and your thought will reach higher, but neither your eye nor thought will reach unto him; he is taller than all the cedars in the Lebanon of God: "Eye hath not seen, nor hath ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man," to think of the height and glory of this Plant of Renown! And

Lastly, This Plant is renowned not only for his stature, but for his extent also: he is broad Plant, he was planted in the first promise in