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This train of reflection, at intervals, occurred powerfully to my feelings, as I viewed that very congregation assembled together in the house of God. whose steps, in their approach to it, I had watched with prayerful emotions.———" Here the rich and poor met together," in mutual acknowledgement that "the Lord is the maker of them all," and that all are alike dependent creatures, looking up to one common Father to supply their wants, both temporal and spiritual.———Again, likewise, shall they meet together in the grave, that undistinguishing receptacle of the opulent and the needy. And once more, at the judgment-seat of Christ, shall the rich and poor meet together, that "every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." How closely connected in the history of man, are these three periods of a general meeting together The house of prayer———the house appointed for all living———and the house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.———May we never separate these ideas from each other, but retain them in a sacred and profitable union! So shall our worshipping assemblies on earth be representative of the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven.