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Ezekiel, xxxiv. 29.

And I will raise up for them a Plant of Renown.

we cast our eyes back upon the foregoing part of this chapter, we shall find a very melancholy scene casting up; we shall find the flock and heritage of God scattered, robbed and peeled by the devil and ecclesiastical rulers that were in being in that day; a day much like to the day wherein we have: the ruin of the church of Christ in all ages and periods of the world, has been owing to combinations betwixt corrupt churchmen, and corrupt statesmen; and so you will find it. In the preceding part of this chapter there is a high charge brought in against the Shepherds of Israel, and a terrible and awful threatening denounced by the great and chief shepherd against them, for the bad treatment that the flock of Christ had met with in their hands: However the sheep of Christ may be (illegible text), and scattered, and spoiled, yet the Lord looks on them, and many great and precious promises are made for their encouragement in that evil day; you may read them at your own leisure, or I must not stay upon them just now. But