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sprung up again more glorious and more beautiful and amiable than ever; and "He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by his resurrection from the dead."

Lastly, I would have you to remark, that all the little plants in the garden are ingrafted in the Plant of Renown: “I am the Vine, ye are the branches; he that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit: For without me ye can do nothing I am a green fir tree, for me is thy fruit found." If you be not ingraftirs, in this Plant, you will never grow; and the trees that are not planted in him, they are but weeds. There is a time coming when all the weeds will be plucked up, and therefore take he that you be ingrafted in him by a faith of Gods operation. So much for the first thing I proposed. The second thing was to shew, that he is a Renowned Plant. He is renowned in heaven, and he is renowned on earth, and will be so, For his name shall endure for ever, Psal. lxxii. 17. O he is renowned!

For what, say you, is he renowned? I might here enter upon a very large field; I shall only tell you.

1. That he is renowned in his Person. There was never the like of him! The two natures, God and Man, are joined together in one, in him: Did you ever see that? If you have not seen that, you have not seen the Mystery of Godliness: He is the most renowned person in heaven; but he is Immanuel, God manifested in the flesh.———Then he is,

2. Renowned for his Pedigree: Who can declare his Generation? Considering him as God his eternal generation from the Father cannot be