Page:Platform and Constitution of the Socialistic Labor Party (1885).pdf/4

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16. Reduction of the hours of labor in proportion to the progress of production; establishment by Act of Congress of a legal work-day of not more than eight hours for all industrial workers, and corresponding provisions for all agricultural laborers.


1, Abolition of the Presidency, Vice Presidency and Senate of the United States. An Executive Board to be established, whose members are to be elected, and may at any time be recalled by the House of Representatives as the only legislative body, The States and Municipalities to adopt corresponding amendments of their constitution and statutes.

2. Municipal self-government,

3. Direct vote and secret ballots in all elections. Universal and equal right of suffrage without regard to color, creed, or sex. Election days to be legal holidays. The principle of minority representation to be introduced.

4. The people to have the right to propose laws (initiative) and to vote upon all laws of importance (Referendum.)

5. The members of all legislative bodies to be responsible to and subject to recall by the constituency.

6. Uniform law throughout the United States. Administration of justice to be free of charge. Abolition of capital punishment.

7. Separation of all public affairs from religion; church property to be subject to taxation.

8. Uniform national marriage laws. Divorce to be granted upon mutual consent, and upon providing for the care of the children.


Whereas, the Socialistic Labor Party of the United States is so far chiefly a propagandistic party;

Whereas, it is a good means of agitation to participate in municipal, county, State and congress election; therefore,

Resolved, that the Socialistic Labor Party utilizes this means, and leaves it to the option of the different sections to participate in the elections or not, but it urgently recommends to enter into political action only when there is really a prospect of success or at least an opportunity for agitation.

Sections participating in any election shall under no circumstances enter into any combination with any other party as against the Labor Party; all other parties are to be considered reactionary.