Page:Platform and Constitution of the Socialistic Labor Party (1885).pdf/6

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4. The National Executive has for its duty:

a. To carry out the resolutions of the National Convention and those adapted by general vote, and force their observance by all officers and members of the Party.

b. To make proper arrangements whereby the Sections of the various districts may act unitedly for systematic propaganda.

c. To conduct and manage the agitation throughout the country.

d. To represent the Party internally and publicly.

e. To establish proper relations and communication with the Socialistic Parties of other countries,

f. To make all necessary preparations for the National Convention and make a fell report to the same on all Party matters.

g. To issue semi-annually a report ta the Party stating definitely the condition of every Section and of the Party's finances. This report shall be reviewed by a Committee of three, elected by the local Section.

5 The National Executive Committee has the right:

a. In cases of urgent necessity to make suitable propositions which shall become binding if endorsed by a general vote of the Party within months alter issue of the call.

b. To representation in the National Convention by one of its members, who shall have no vote, but a mere advisory voice in the proceedings, and shall bear no other credentials.

c. The National Executive Committee decides its own order of business.

d. The Executive Committee may compensate its officers, according ta the labors performed by them, from the treasury of the Party.


1. The Board of Supervision shall be composed of nine members.

2. The duties of this Board shall be:

a. To watch over the actions of the National Executive Committee.

b. To settle all difficulties in the Party, involving questions of principle, within four weeks after receiving the necessary evidence, the decisions to be at once communicated to the National Executive Committee; and to decide in cases of expulsion on appeal.

c The Board of Supervision can, when necessary, suspend any Boards, Executive Committees, Party officers or members, From all decisions of the Board of Supervision appeal may be taken to the general vote. The Board must submit to the members any appeal two weeks after appeal was placed into its hands, and the Sections must report the result of their vote to the Board of Supervision within four weeks, within two additional weeks the Board of Supervision must publish the result.

d. The Board of Supervision may send one of its members as a delegate to the National Convention, under the same conditions as the delegate of the National Executive Committee. (see III., 5, b)

e. The Secretary of the Board of Supervision shall render a full report of the transactions of that Board during its term, to the National Convention.

f. The Board shall declare vacant the seat of any of its members for absence from three consecutive meetings without sufficient excuse, and is authorized to order the Section of its locality to fill the vacancy by election.