Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/254

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St. Marcel, where he died in 1142, and those of Heloise, who survived him about twenty years, from the Paraclete, of which she was abbess.

"And hers who, soaring high
In silken globe, found a strange death by fire
Among the clouds."

The tomb of the unfortunate Madame Blanchard is surmounted by a globe in flames. The inventor of gas-lights is also honored by a gilded flame issuing from an urn. The benevolent Abbe Sicard has his name recorded on his monument by beautifully sculptured marble hands, each stretched forth to form one of its letters according to the manual alphabet of the deaf and dumb, his indebted and affectionate pupils. On the tomb of Grétry, the musical composer, hangs a lyre, and on that of La Fontaine sits very composedly a black fox, while two bas-reliefs in bronze represent, one his fable of the wolf and stork, the other that of the wolf and lamb. Parmentier, to whom France owed in a great measure the general cultivation of the potato, has an elegant monument, and Denon, the traveller, a pedestal surmounted by his statue, in bronze. Deeply shaded by lime trees, is a tomb in the form of a cottage, where reposes Frederic Mestezart, the beloved pastor of a church in Geneva; and the Russian Countess Demidoff is interred beneath a