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as if for a relative or friend. One of these, for many years a resident in Boston, though a native of Portu- gal, will awaken the affectionate recollection of some who knew and respected her.


March 1st, 1832,

Frances Ann,

Countess, Colonna de Walewski,

Widow of the late General Humphreys

of the United States,

Minister in Spain and Portugal.

"As though they knew
Their time was short."

Trees and shrubs, of slight root and rapid growth, adorn that part of the cemetery which is appropriated to the common people. They are buried in temporary graves, the better class of which may be held for ten years, by a payment of fifty francs, after which term they are revertible to the cemetery, even though monuments should have been erected upon them. The other class, or the fosses communes, are where the poor are gratuitously buried in coffins laid side by side, without any intervening space. This spot is reopened and buried over again every five years; that period of time being allowed for the decomposition of