Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/271

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Eyesight and silks upon it, that its style
Artistical, and anatomical,
Was quite a libel on the Trojan chief,
And likewise on his wife Andromache,
And all their line. I worked a piece myself,
Equally shocking, of an ark and child,
And two strange-looking women, and a slice
Of a cream-colored palace, trees and grass,
Mixed indigo, and umber, and gamboge,
To show the fervor of Egyptian suns,
As I suppose, and this my teacher called
The infant Moses in the bulrushes.
I labored on it most industriously;
But since, when innocent children have been scared,
As waking suddenly from cradle-dreams,
They fixed their eyes upon it, I've eschewed
The deed most heartily, and felt ashamed
That sacred themes should be distorted so.

And now I wonder what odd trains of thought
Must needs bring back those hideous images,
At such a time as this.
                              Friends, have a care,
And do not let the unaccustomed sword
Embarrass your best bow, when the French court
Shall give its welcome to you. Pray, make haste,—
Our kind ambassador with open doors
Awaits our coming, and't would be indeed
But payment poor for all his courtesy,