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the working rooms of the present queen and the sister of Louis Philippe, displays consummate taste in the arrangement and adaptation to each other, of the hangings, sofas, chairs, mirrors, and different articles of furniture.

Le Petit Trianon was built by Louis the Fifteenth for Madame Dubarri. Afterwards it was given by Louis the Sixteenth to Marie Antoinette, who beautified its grounds by her taste, and erected among them the imitation of a little Swiss village. It is surrounded by many fine trees, of which some are American. Here Louis the Fifteenth was called to render up his breath, and here the son of Napoleon was born. Among the tasteful articles exhibited, is a bed, draped with muslin, embroidered in gold, which formerly belonged to Maria Louisa. It is at present occupied by the Duke de Nemours and his beautiful bride. Both these fine structures have some exquisite pictures.

We were persevering in visiting the palaces of Paris and its environs, with other objects and institutions of interest, notwithstanding the severity of the winter. Having heard so much of the fine climate of France, we were surprised at being sometimes enveloped in those dense black fogs, which we flattered ourselves had been left behind in London. Snow frequently descended, and lay thickly upon the roofs for several weeks; the horses, not properly shod, fell upon the slippery pavements, and received no mercy from their drivers; and the sufferings of the improvident poor