Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/299

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Had been the fleeting year. When last she stood
In this august assembly to convoke
The power of parliament, the crown adorned
A maiden brow; but now that vow had passed,
Which Death alone can break, and a new soul
Come forth to witness it. And by the seed
Of those most strong affections, dropped by Heaven
In a rich soil, I knew there was a germ
That fain would have disclosed itself in sound
If unsupprest. Through her transparent brow
I could discern that word close wrapped in love,
And dearer than all royal pageantry.
Thy babe, young Mother! Thy sweet first-born babe!
That was the word!
                           And yet she spoke it not;
But rose and leaning on her consort's arm
Passed forth. And as the gorgeous car of state,
By noble coursers borne exultingly,
Drew near, the people's acclamations rose
Loud, and re-echoed widely to the sky.
Long may their loyalty and love be thine,
Daughter of many kings, and thou the rights
Of peasant as of prince maintain, and heed
The cry of lowly poverty, as one
Who must account to God.
                                      So unto him,
From many a quiet fireside of thy realm
At the still hour of prayer, thy name shall rise,