Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/303

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'T was with a bridal party, that we went
To visit Hampton Court. Our thoughts were full
Of the warm pictures we had seen at morn,
The youthful pair, the chapel, and the priest,
The gathered groups that marked the holy rite,
And that still smaller circle, in whose breasts
Wrought strong emotion, as the deathless vow
Trembled on lips beloved. With earnest gaze
The grateful poor, and that small Sunday class
Blest with her teachings, who returned no more,
Followed the bridal chariot, as it led
With milk-white steeds the fair procession back
To her paternal halls. Around the board,
For rich collation spread, the green-house strewed
Its glowing wealth, and mid the marriage guests
Like blossoms mixed, the bright-haired children sate,
Delighted from a blessed bride to win
Kind word or kiss. Then rose the pastor's prayer,
And the sweet hymn, for Music waits alike
On Love and Faith, on this world and the next.
—But all too soon the fond leave-taking came,