Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/312

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put a stop to religious persecution, met him riding in the park, and in his own expressive language, as he drew near him, 'felt a waft of death go forth from him,' and coming up to him, beheld him with astonishment looking already like a dead man. George had been accustomed to have interviews with Cromwell, who used to express great pleasure in his society, and would say, 'come again, come often, for I feel that if thou and I were oftener together, we should be nearer to each other.' He now desired George to come to the palace again the next day, but he looked on him already as a dead man, and on going to the palace gate, found him too ill to be seen by any one, and in a few days he died."

"The old Hamburgh vine
Round its glass palace groped."

A vine of the black Hamburgh grape, nearly 80 years old, and said to be the largest in Europe, has a whole greenhouse devoted to its accommodation. Its trunk is like a tree, its main branch extends 110 feet, and its roots still further, running about 18 inches below the surface. The gardeners, who were exceedingly proud of it, said they did not pour water upon. its root, but washed the branches to refresh them. It produces an immense quantity of fruit; in some seasons, we were told, about 1400 pounds weight, or be-